Sunday, October 9, 2011

Learning Objectives for Week 2:

Week 2 officially opened on 3rd of October. This week and in all future weeks we will be responsible for:
1) readings
2) a discussion thread
3) a weekly task
4) a project step or task and
5) reflective blog posts.

Below is a brief sketch of this week.

– Discussion Thread:
Minimum of one post due Wednesday, and a minimum second post due Sunday
We should make at least two posts to the discussion thread (in Nicenet) each week, one by mid-week and one more by week's end. The discussion thread is based on the readings/materials. This week's topic is Web Searching.

– Weekly Task:
Due Sunday at end of week
We have a web task to complete and post about (in Nicenet) each week. This week's task is about Creating Learning Objectives. 

Project Steps or Tasks:
Due Sunday at end of week
Every week we will try to make small steps in our final project by completing a project step or task. We will begin with the first project step this week by describing a class (in Nicenet) we might want to use for our final project. 

– Reflective Blog Posts:
Due Sunday at end of week
We should add at least one post every week to the blog we have set up as week 1 task. We should also add at least one comment to another blog. There is a blog roll (or a convenient list of all our blogs) located on the class wiki. 


Week 2: The ABCD Learning Objectives Framework and Effective Web Searches

Learning Objectives (Readings/Materials) for This Week:
§         Discussion - web searching: After reviewing different search engines, participants in this course will analyze the search engines in terms of use in their own classes and share their advantages and disadvantages in at least two posts on Nicenet that include the web page (with URL), the search term, and their recommendation about the search engine.
§         Task - ABCD model for behavioral objectives: After reading about the ABCD model, participants will share a behavioral objective for a class they teach, using the ABCD model, in at least one post on Nicenet.
§         Blog - Participants in the course (Audience) will share their reflections on what they did and what they learned this week and comment on another person's post (Behavior) in at least one post on their own blog and one comment (Degree). This is an objective each week.
Project Task 1 - Participants in this course (Audience) will analyze the students in one course (Condition) and describe them (Behavior) in at least one post on Nicenet (Degree).

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